Getting your recruitment right: What attracts the best teachers?

Teachers International Consultancy recently conducted some research of teachers considering international school jobs.
The research collected feedback from over 400 teachers around the world. The participants answered questions about different aspects of the application process; from the initial job advert, to post-interview communication.
Teachers want job adverts to be clear and detailed
One of the most notable results of the survey was that teachers place great importance on a clear and informative job vacancy advert. 86% of the teachers said that a detailed listing would improve their application experience, and make them more likely to apply in the first place. 49% also wanted access to detailed information about the job and school including responsibilities of the role, salary package and benefits, and cost of living in the country where the school is located.
The survey also indicated that teachers want a simple application form. 20% of the teachers who responded to the survey said that some international school application forms are so long and complicated that it puts them off applying for the job. 70% want a clear explanation of how to apply to the school.
Communication is essential
The survey revealed that communication from schools to candidates is the area where most improvement is needed. 92% said that poor and slow communication was the most frustrating part of the job process. 91% said that good communication was important in improving the application process.
How can schools improve communication?
The teachers in the survey expressed a strong desire to be kept informed about the progress of their application; 88% wanting to know whether or not they have been shortlisted for a job. 85% said they would value constructive feedback if unsuccessful at the interview stage.
Teachers value recruitment agencies
An increasing number of teachers are now using specialist recruitment agencies to help find them jobs overseas. The survey asked why they use an agency.
91% of the teachers who responded said they select a recruitment agency that represents a specific school that they want to work with. 65% of teachers said they feel well represented to a range of potential schools when they work with a recruitment agency.
“The aim of this survey was to help international schools attract more candidates for job vacancies and move towards a more positive recruitment process” said Andrew Wigford, Managing Director of Teachers International Consultancy. “The results reveal that there is room for many schools to improve their application procedures, and that details such as more communication – or the lack of it, can have a big impact on hopeful applicants.”
Teachers International Consultancy recruits teachers and leaders for international school jobs in over 70 countries. More information is available at