Why I’m leaving the UK - to teach in China!

Anna Moreton is a music teacher from the UK and right now, she’s getting ready to move to China to teach at the Britannica International School in Shanghai. Anna explains why she’s decided to move to China and what she hopes to gain from the experience:
“I decided to teach overseas because I’ve always wanted to experience a completely different culture and way of life. I wanted to challenge myself as a teacher; I continuously seek to push myself outside of my comfort zone, so this seemed like a good way forward in my career!
Challenges and new opportunities
I think it’ll be a challenge settling into China. I’ll be teaching such a diverse range of pupils; there are over 40 nationalities at the school. I think this opportunity will help me to learn new ways of teaching pupils who don’t speak English as their mother tongue, and become more able to relate to, and communicate with, different kinds of people. I also think moving overseas will make me more resilient and confident as a person.
A change in culture
I’m really looking forward to the Chinese food in Shanghai! I would say I'm joking, but I am very excited about Asian cuisine! I am also excited about the music performance scene in Shanghai, and I will also look to join an international church whilst I am living there.
I think the huge change in culture and surroundings will be the most difficult aspect of moving to teach overseas, and not being able to go home as frequently, but I'm sure I’ll get used to my new home.
TIC’s support
I felt really supported by TIC throughout the process of finding the job. Andrew was incredibly helpful and maintained consistent contact with me via email to make sure that I was getting on ok with the interview process. I was able to ask lots of questions and he was always very thorough in his responses.”
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