TIC Weekly Blog - 1st February 2013
Welcome to the TIC blog! After an exciting new year, the TIC weekly blog is back. This week we're celebrating awards and flying out to the Middle East!
TIC receives Investors in People Award
We are proud to announce that TIC has been given an Investors in People Award. The award is one the UK’s leading business standards, and is given to successful companies with high quality people management. Only 26% of the UK workforce are employed by organisations with this seal, and we are proud to have the devotion of the TIC team rewarded in this way.
Free webinar - Applying for positions in an international school
TIC has a free webinar coming up on 13th February, entitled: ‘Applying for positions in an international school’. A webinar is a free seminar that is held online, and is a great way to become more informed on working in an international school. We have had great success with past webinars, covering such topics as the benefits of working in an international school and preparing to move overseas. The webinar is free to attend, all you have to do is register on the TIC website – and make sure you book the time slot into your diary!
TIC to attend British Schools in the Middle East Conference
On Sunday 3rd January, Andrew and Gemma will be flying to Amman, Jordan for the annual British Schools in the Middle East Conference. The conference will be attended by delegates from over 80 schools, with key note speakers including Prof John West Burnham and David Hargreaves. This is a fantastic opportunity for TIC to continue its relationship with BSME so that we can find the best possible placements for our teachers. We all hope Andrew and Gemma have a successful trip, and enjoy the first conference of the new year!
TIC Monthly Newsletter
Keep an eye out for the TIC monthly newsletter. With international teaching articles, advice on finding jobs in international schools and the latest TIC vacancies, it’s a great way to stay informed on teaching overseas!