Life as an international school teacher: what can I expect from my salary and benefits package?

If you take a position as an international school teacher, ensuring the right salary and benefits package for you is essential. International school salaries and benefits vary both from country to country and from school to school. It is important to do your research to find out what a potential benefits package will include as this can impact how much you are able to save, travel and overall impact your life as an international teacher. Here is TIC Recruitment’s handy guide on international school contracts for teachers working overseas.
There are many factors which can affect your salary when teaching overseas. International school salaries can be similar to those offered to teachers in the UK, USA or AUS, but some are very different. Even within the same city, schools can offer wildly different salaries. Dubai is a classic example of this where salaries in international schools can differ by as much as £10 - £15000 a year for teachers effectively doing the same job!
There are many factors which influence how much a school pays on teacher salaries. It is fairly common for not-for-profit schools to pay very well as they are able to constantly re-invest in their workforce. That is not to say that for- profit schools always pay badly. Many pay very well. It may depend on how old the school is, how much it charges parents and other things such as local government regulations on pay.
It’s often hard to get good information on salary comparisons but because we work with so many international schools, we are in a very good position to know what schools pay in most cities. In general, most schools have a set salary scale and will not have the flexibility to negotiate. After all, paying teachers in the same school different amounts can cause a lot of bad feeling, but this is not to say it doesn’t happen.
With any salary it’s important to weigh up multiple factors; is it tax free; what is the local cost of living like; what other benefits do you get; and is there a gratuity or bonus payment. It’s important to consider the whole package, not just the salary as this can be deceiving. You may be much better off with a lower salary if the cost of living is significantly lower and you don’t pay tax or have any bills.
Sometimes the more expensive a city or country is to live in, the higher the salary paid to international teachers. A destination’s popularity can also be a determining factor in how much you are paid. Schools in popular destinations are able to pay less because of high demand, while schools in the less popular destinations often offer more enticing salaries. This will often mean there is strong competition for these teaching posts.
Accommodation allowance
Many international schools, especially those outside of Europe, include some level of housing benefit, but again what is on offer, ranges from school to school. Some will provide their teachers with accommodation on arrival, which is fully furnished, close to school and has good amenities like a gym or a pool. Others however might just offer a housing allowance. For example, in the Middle East and Far East, teachers are often provided with private, furnished apartments. Some schools offer only shared accommodation is provided; private rooms but with a communal kitchen, living room and bathroom. This is often because the cost of renting apartments for schools can be very high. If no housing benefits are provided, your salary may be higher to cover the cost of renting and in this situation the school will often help you find a suitable place to live and may even offer to cover the cost of a deposit. It’s important to have an idea of the costs of local housing and what’s affordable.

Travel home
Many international school packages include flights at the beginning and end of contract. Some also offer annual flights to your home destination, some will give cash equivalents if you do not want to go home in the middle of your contract. The number of flights offered to teachers can vary. If you have dependants traveling with you it is important to find out if they are covered in the flights allowance.
Medical insurance
Medical insurance is often provided with overseas teaching contracts. The amount of cover will vary. Some schools have policies which offer good cover within the host country, but you may not be insured when you leave it. Some school policies do not cover pre-existing conditions or the cost of unusual treatments or drugs. It’s important to check these carefully, we have known of teachers who were unable to take up a new post because the school medical insurance did not cover the cost of expensive drugs taken regularly by the teacher. Also, you should check if your dependants are also covered by the school’s policy.
In some instances, your accommodation package will include utility bills and access to the internet. Other packages may include a contribution towards bills.
Each country has different laws which dictate how workers are taxed. Teachers in many countries in the Middle East for example can usually expect a tax-free salary. Other countries charge expats much less in taxes. This can make a significant difference on your earnings.

At the end of a contract, teachers may on occasions be offered a bonus or gratuity. In certain countries, they are a legal requirement.
Other benefits
Benefits may extend to family members making the move with you. For example, medical insurance may be offered to children and spouses. Some contracts also provide an education allowance for children or even free education for children at the school. This is a huge benefit to families, in fact if schools do not offer free or discounted school fees then it may make taking a position as a teacher unaffordable.
Many schools offer relocation allowances which can be quite substantial ranging in amounts from around £500 to £5000.
Schools often offer a laptop for teachers use, we have even heard of schools paying for mobile phones.
Many will give other incentives such as free gym membership, discounts for meals or free school meals. We know of one school in the Swiss Alps that offers its teachers a free ski season pass!
Adding up all the benefits is just as important as knowing the salary and how far it will go in the country you will live in. It can make a big difference to how much money you can save.
At TIC, your recruitment consultant will know a school’s benefits package in detail and can often negotiate benefits on your behalf. For the very best selection of international school job opportunities, register with us today.
TIC Recruitment provides a completely free service for qualified teachers. We are here to give you all the support you need to find the right international school teaching job for you. Register today and we will be in touch to help you.