Andrew visits Keystone Academy, Beijing
TIC Director, Andrew Wigford, blogs about his recent trip to the ground breaking Keystone Academy in Beijing.
I visited Keystone from Sunday 8th to the 11th of September and spent time at their offices in Beijing centre and out at the school site in Shunyi. What impressed me is the level of professionalism within the organisation. The management team is full of seasoned educators with good international experience. There is a good fusion of culture within the team who are highly skilled with very strong backgrounds in bilingual and international education. There is also a huge amount of expertise with the International Primary Curriculum and IB programmes.

Interest in the city amongst parents is high. The school offers a unique educational experience that has attracted lot of attention amongst the local population who maybe the first Chinese nationals to experience this style of education in the city. The boarding experience offers students a unique opportunity to be immersed in a bilingual environment.
The visit to the school site was incredible. I could not believe the size of the construction. It is located on the outskirts of the city now far from the international airport in an area that most of the big international schools inhabit. There is a fast train service within a short walk from the school that takes you right into the heart of the city and facilities near the school are improving daily as more and more families move to the area.
The school is going to look amazing. I have rarely visited such an impressive facility, that along with the management team already in place will make a winning combination.
Teachers will be well looked after at Keystone. The salary package is one of the best in Asia and the on site and off site accommodation will be high quality with many other perks. This really is a school that most international educators would love to work. I visit international schools all over the world all the time and have worked myself in some of the best and Keystone will be up there with the best of them, mark my words!
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